Comments at the End

I'm about to say something which many of you will find comically stupid. I imagine a reaction of both cringe and shock. Worse, I don't think my rationale is convincing on its own. But I want you to hear me out, give it a try one day, and maybe I will convince you. If you go through this process and are not convinced of the benefits, that's fine. As long as you consider it, I will be happy.

This year, I made a new year's resolution: don't write comments until the end, preferably right before you make the pull request. It's fine to make todo comments, and if you think you might forget to document something later, it's okay to write it immediately. But at the end, you should go through your code and write comments.

As is typically recommended, your comments should not explain what your code does. Your code should explain what your code does. Instead, the comments should explain why you did what you did, and why you did it in that particular way. Basically, imagine you're showing a co-worker your code, and explaining what you did. Your comments should reflect everything that you would normally say. Code that is very simple won't need comments at all. More complicated logic will.

The first benefit to this is that you will be in "writing mode" instead of "coding mode". You'll discover many points where you need a comment, that you never thought about before. Your comments will also be very in-depth. I said before that comments should reflect what you would tell someone when explaining your code. If your comments are this detailed, then you'll never have to explain anything. This might not work very well if you hate writing. I obviously enjoy it (when I'm not being graded). I don't know if this benefit will be as big for others.

The bigger benefit, in my opinion, is that it might give you an opportunity to improve your code. I have another rule, which says, "no apology comments". If you find yourself saying, "Sorry for not making this better", then you should just fix the problem. Note that you are allowed to say "I didn't do it this different way because that would be worse". If your solution is the best solution you can think of, then you should use that solution. But when there's a better alternative, you should choose the better alternative. As I'm writing comments, I often catch myself in the middle of writing an apology comment. Then I go fix the problem. That means the commenting phase of my code is also a minor refactoring phase.

One person has criticized my commenting style, saying that it takes too long to read, and should be more concise. I think there is a middle ground here, that I haven't achieved yet. In the future, I might try doing a second pass over my comments to shorten them if I can. I'll just have to hope that over time, I learn how to make my comments concise from the start. This person has also recommended that I read Steven Pinker's The Sense of Style. I have a copy of it, but unfortunately I enjoy writing more than I enjoy reading.

I'm sure some people are still unconvinced, which is reasonable. So I'll provide, below, a sample of code where I did this by accident, which convinced me to turn this into a habit. If you like what you see, then I suggest you give my idea a try. This is a C library that allows the CheckerBoard UI to use my Ampere Checkers AI.

// File: ampere_cb.c
// Description: Provides a bridge between Ampere and CheckerBoard
// Author: Mica White (they/them) <>
// License: CC0 1.0

// -------------------------- IMPORTS ------------------------------------

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>

#include "ampere.h"
#include "cb_interface.h"

// --------------------------- MACROS -------------------------------------

// The engine should never search to a depth greater than 40
// This number is somewhat arbitrary. I just doubled the length of the
// shortest possible checkers game
#define MAX_DEPTH 40
#define MEGABYTE (1024*1024)
// I don't think anybody will ever miss a single megabyte of RAM.
// For computers more powerful than a Raspberry Pi Zero, I recommend
// increasing this to eight megabytes.

// These are the lengths of buffers which are given to us by CheckerBoard
#define INFO_STR_LEN 255
#define COMMAND_LEN 256
#define CMD_REPLY_LEN 256
#define NAME_LEN 250

// I'm not actually sure when I should start calling this 0.2
// I'm still planning on making breaking changes, so I won't call it 1.0
#define ENGINE_NAME "Ampere 0.1"
#define ENGINE_ABOUT \
Ampere version 0.1\n\
A fast and smart Checkers engine\n\
Implements: transposition table, aspiration windows, iterative deepening\n\
Defecits: simple evaluation function, no quiescence search\n\
Copyright Mica White\n\

// -------------------------- STATICS ------------------------------------

/// The engine itself
// I ended up leaking this. I don't think it'll ever be possible for two
// threads to access the transposition table at the same time, but it's
// probably better safe than sorry. I don't actually know when this would
// be collected anyway.
ampere_engine_t ampere_engine = NULL;
/// A collection of C functions which the engine may call
// This needs to be static because it must outlive `ampere_engine`
struct frontend frontend;
/// The size to set the transposition table to. This can only be modified
/// before the engine is constructed, not after.
int hash_size = DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE;
/// This is a buffer that CheckerBoard provides to display to the user.
// This is static because it needs to be accessed by the `give_info` function.
char* info_str;

// --------------------- FRONTEND CALLBACKS -------------------------------
// These are functions which are passed into the engine on certain events,
// such as logging debug information, displaying evaluation progress, and
// determining the best move. The only useful one for our purpose is
// the `give_info` function, which is called occasionally by the engine
// during its evaluation to give progress reports.

/// The name says it all
// This is used for both `debug` and `best_move`. We don't do anything
// with debug information because CheckerBoard gives us no way to
// display it. We don't need to do anything with `best_move` because
// our evaluation runs synchronously, and the evaluation function already
// returns the best move.
void do_nothing(void* x) {}

/// Displays information about the in-progress evaluation to the user
void give_info(ampere_evalinfo_t info) {
	char move_str[6] = "None"; // If no move was found, default to "None"
	ampere_move_t move = ampere_evalinfo_bestmove(info);
	if (move != NULL) {
		ampere_move_string(move, move_str);

	float eval = ampere_eval_tofloat(ampere_evalinfo_evaluation(info));
	int depth = ampere_evalinfo_depth(info);
	unsigned long long int nodes_per_sec = ampere_evalinfo_nodespersec(info);

		info_str, INFO_STR_LEN,
		"Move: %s; Eval: %f; Depth: %d; NPS: %llu",
		move_str, eval, depth, nodes_per_sec

// ---------------------- HELPER FUNCTIONS --------------------------------

/// Converts a CheckerBoard piece to an Ampere piece.
/// This results in undefined behavior for: null pointers,
/// `i` or `j` >= 8, or `index` >= 32,
void square_convert(
	Board8x8 board,
	int i,
	int j,
	uint32_t* pieces,
	uint32_t* colors,
	uint32_t* kings,
	int index
) {
	int value = board[i][j];
	uint32_t piece_mask = 1 << index;

	if (value == CB_FREE) {
	else {
		*pieces |= piece_mask;

	if (value & CB_BLACK) {
		*colors |= piece_mask;

	if (value & CB_KING) {
		*kings |= piece_mask;

/// Converts an Ampere piece to a CheckerBoard piece.
/// This results in undefined behavior for a null board or `index` >= 32
int get_cb_piece(ampere_board_t amp_board, int index) {
	int piece = 0;

	if (!ampere_board_has_piece_at(amp_board, index)) {
		return CB_FREE;

	if (ampere_board_color_at(amp_board, index) == DARK) {
		piece |= CB_BLACK;
	else {
		piece |= CB_WHITE;

	if (ampere_board_king_at(amp_board, index)) {
		piece |= CB_KING;
	else {
		piece |= CB_MAN;

	return piece;

/// Converts an ampere square index to a CheckerBoard square coordinate.
/// This is undefined behavior for `amp_square` >= 32
struct coor get_cb_square(int amp_square) {
	struct coor coordinates;

	switch (amp_square) {
	case 0:
	case 6:
	case 12:
	case 18:
		coordinates.y = 0;
	case 1:
	case 7:
	case 13:
	case 19:
		coordinates.y = 1;
	case 8:
	case 14:
	case 20:
	case 26:
		coordinates.y = 2;
	case 9:
	case 15:
	case 21:
	case 27:
		coordinates.y = 3;
	case 16:
	case 22:
	case 28:
	case 2:
		coordinates.y = 4;
	case 17:
	case 23:
	case 29:
	case 3:
		coordinates.y = 5;
	case 24:
	case 30:
	case 4:
	case 10:
		coordinates.y = 6;
	case 25:
	case 31:
	case 5:
	case 11:
		coordinates.y = 7;
		// this is undefined behavior

	switch (amp_square) {
	case 18:
	case 26:
	case 2:
	case 10:
		coordinates.x = 0;
	case 19:
	case 27:
	case 3:
	case 11:
		coordinates.x = 1;
	case 12:
	case 20:
	case 28:
	case 4:
		coordinates.x = 2;
	case 13:
	case 21:
	case 29:
	case 5:
		coordinates.x = 3;
	case 6:
	case 14:
	case 22:
	case 30:
		coordinates.x = 4;
	case 7:
	case 15:
	case 23:
	case 31:
		coordinates.x = 5;
	case 0:
	case 8:
	case 16:
	case 24:
		coordinates.x = 6;
	case 1:
	case 9:
	case 17:
	case 25:
		coordinates.x = 7;
		// this is undefined behavior

	return coordinates;

/// Converts a CheckerBoard board to an Ampere board.
/// This is undefined behavior for a null `board`, or invalid `turn`.
/// It is the caller's responsibility to free the return value using the
/// `ampere_board_destroy` function. Otherwise this results in a memory leak.
ampere_board_t cb_board_to_ampere_board(Board8x8 board, int turn) {
	uint32_t pieces = 0l;
	uint32_t colors = 0l;
	uint32_t kings = 0l;
	enum color ampere_turn = DARK;

	square_convert(board, 0, 0, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 18);
	square_convert(board, 2, 0, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 12);
	square_convert(board, 4, 0, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 6);
	square_convert(board, 6, 0, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 0);
	square_convert(board, 1, 1, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 19);
	square_convert(board, 3, 1, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 13);
	square_convert(board, 5, 1, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 7);
	square_convert(board, 7, 1, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 1);
	square_convert(board, 0, 2, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 26);
	square_convert(board, 2, 2, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 20);
	square_convert(board, 4, 2, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 14);
	square_convert(board, 6, 2, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 8);
	square_convert(board, 1, 3, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 27);
	square_convert(board, 3, 3, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 21);
	square_convert(board, 5, 3, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 15);
	square_convert(board, 7, 3, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 9);
	square_convert(board, 0, 4, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 2);
	square_convert(board, 2, 4, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 28);
	square_convert(board, 4, 4, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 22);
	square_convert(board, 6, 4, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 16);
	square_convert(board, 1, 5, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 3);
	square_convert(board, 3, 5, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 29);
	square_convert(board, 5, 5, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 23);
	square_convert(board, 7, 5, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 17);
	square_convert(board, 0, 6, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 10);
	square_convert(board, 2, 6, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 4);
	square_convert(board, 4, 6, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 30);
	square_convert(board, 6, 6, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 24);
	square_convert(board, 1, 7, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 11);
	square_convert(board, 3, 7, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 5);
	square_convert(board, 5, 7, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 31);
	square_convert(board, 7, 7, &pieces, &colors, &kings, 25);

	if (turn == CB_WHITE) {
		ampere_turn = LIGHT;

	return ampere_board_new(pieces, colors, kings, ampere_turn);

/// Converts an Ampere board to a CheckerBoard board.
/// This is undefined behavior if `dest` or `src` are null.
void set_cb_board(Board8x8 dest, ampere_board_t src) {
	dest[0][0] = get_cb_piece(src, 18);
	dest[2][0] = get_cb_piece(src, 12);
	dest[4][0] = get_cb_piece(src, 6);
	dest[6][0] = get_cb_piece(src, 0);
	dest[1][1] = get_cb_piece(src, 19);
	dest[3][1] = get_cb_piece(src, 13);
	dest[5][1] = get_cb_piece(src, 7);
	dest[7][1] = get_cb_piece(src, 1);
	dest[0][2] = get_cb_piece(src, 26);
	dest[2][2] = get_cb_piece(src, 20);
	dest[4][2] = get_cb_piece(src, 14);
	dest[6][2] = get_cb_piece(src, 8);
	dest[1][3] = get_cb_piece(src, 27);
	dest[3][3] = get_cb_piece(src, 21);
	dest[5][3] = get_cb_piece(src, 15);
	dest[7][3] = get_cb_piece(src, 9);
	dest[0][4] = get_cb_piece(src, 2);
	dest[2][4] = get_cb_piece(src, 28);
	dest[4][4] = get_cb_piece(src, 22);
	dest[6][4] = get_cb_piece(src, 16);
	dest[1][5] = get_cb_piece(src, 3);
	dest[3][5] = get_cb_piece(src, 29);
	dest[5][5] = get_cb_piece(src, 23);
	dest[7][5] = get_cb_piece(src, 17);
	dest[0][6] = get_cb_piece(src, 10);
	dest[2][6] = get_cb_piece(src, 4);
	dest[4][6] = get_cb_piece(src, 30);
	dest[6][6] = get_cb_piece(src, 24);
	dest[1][7] = get_cb_piece(src, 11);
	dest[3][7] = get_cb_piece(src, 5);
	dest[5][7] = get_cb_piece(src, 31);
	dest[7][7] = get_cb_piece(src, 25);

// --------------------- LIBRARY FUNCTIONS -------------------------------

/// Returns the name of the engine
// This shouldn't be necessary since we also implemented the "name" command,
// but this function is very easy to implement, so why not just do it?
int enginename(char reply[NAME_LEN]) {
	sprintf_s(reply, NAME_LEN, ENGINE_NAME);
	return 1;

/// Responds to an engine command. The following commands are implemented:
/// * name
/// * about
/// * help
/// * set hashsize (only valid before getmove is called)
/// * get hashsize
/// * get protocolversion
/// * get gametype
int enginecommand(char str[COMMAND_LEN], char reply[CMD_REPLY_LEN]) {
	// answers to the command sent by CheckerBoard.
	char command[COMMAND_LEN] = "", param1[COMMAND_LEN] = "", param2[COMMAND_LEN] = "";
	sscanf_s(str, "%s %s %s", command, COMMAND_LEN, param1, COMMAND_LEN, param2, COMMAND_LEN);

	//by default, return "I don't understand this"
	sprintf_s(reply, CMD_REPLY_LEN, "?");

	if (strncmp(command, "name", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
		sprintf_s(reply, CMD_REPLY_LEN, ENGINE_NAME);
		return 1;

	if (strncmp(command, "about", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
		sprintf_s(reply, CMD_REPLY_LEN, ENGINE_ABOUT);
		return 1;

	if (strncmp(command, "help", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
		sprintf_s(reply, CMD_REPLY_LEN, "amperehelp.html");
		return 1;

	if (strncmp(command, "set", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
		if (strncmp(param1, "hashsize", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
			if (ampere_engine == NULL) {
				hash_size = strtol(param2, NULL, 10) * MEGABYTE;
				return 1;
			else {
				// we can't change the size of the transposition table after
				// the engine is initialized
				return 0;

		if (strncmp(param1, "book", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
			return 0;

	if (strncmp(command, "get", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
		if (strncmp(param1, "hashsize", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
			sprintf_s(reply, CMD_REPLY_LEN, "%d", hash_size / MEGABYTE);
			return 1;

		if (strncmp(param1, "book", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
			// theoretically, the correct value is `CB_BOOK_NONE`, but
			// CheckerBoard will assume that means:
			//     "the book hasn't been loaded yet"
			// when we actually mean:
			//     "Ampere doesn't support opening books"
			return 0;

		if (strncmp(param1, "protocolversion", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
			sprintf_s(reply, CMD_REPLY_LEN, "2");
			return 1;

		if (strncmp(param1, "gametype", COMMAND_LEN) == 0) {
			sprintf_s(reply, CMD_REPLY_LEN, "%d", GT_ENGLISH);
			return 1;

	return 0;

/// Asks the engine to make a move
int WINAPI getmove(
	Board8x8 board,
	int color,
	double maxtime,
	char str[INFO_STR_LEN],
	int* playnow,
	int info,
	int moreinfo,
	struct CBmove* move
) {
	// this will be modified on every call, just in case CheckerBoard decides
	// to reallocate it later
	info_str = str;

	if (ampere_engine == NULL) {
		// initialize the frontend
		frontend.debug = (void (*)(char*)) do_nothing; = give_info;
		frontend.report_bestmove = do_nothing;

		// initialize the engine with the frontend and table size
		ampere_engine = ampere_new_engine(hash_size, &frontend);

	int current_turn = DARK;
	if (color == CB_WHITE) {
		current_turn = LIGHT;

	// set up Ampere's clock
	int increment_info = (info >> 2) & 3;
	ampere_clock_t clock;
	if (increment_info != 0) {
		int inc_factor = 1;
		if (increment_info == 2) {
			inc_factor = 10;
		else if (increment_info == 3) {
			inc_factor = 100;

		int time_remaining = ((moreinfo >> 16) & 0xffff) * inc_factor;
		int increment = (moreinfo & 0xffff) * inc_factor;
		clock = ampere_clock_incremental(time_remaining, time_remaining, increment, increment, 0, 0);
	else {
		int time = floor(maxtime * 1000.0);
		clock = ampere_clock_timepermove(time);

	ampere_board_t amp_board = cb_board_to_ampere_board(board, color);
	ampere_set_position(ampere_engine, amp_board);  // the board might change between calls to this function

	struct eval_result result = ampere_evaluate(ampere_engine, (bool*)playnow, 0, MAX_DEPTH, clock);
	ampere_move_t best = result.best_move;
	ampere_eval_t evaluation = result.evaluation;

	// we calculate the result at the beginning, in case we need to return early
	int eval = CB_UNKNOWN;
	if (ampere_eval_is_force_win(evaluation)) {
		eval = CB_WIN;
	else if (ampere_eval_is_force_loss(evaluation)) {
		eval = CB_LOSS;

	// the move will be null if there are no legal moves...
	// which means we lost, ergo we could've returned when we got the eval
	// i don't really wanna change it now
	if (best == NULL) {
		return eval;

	// I don't think this is actually necessary. CheckerBoard is usually able
	// to figure this out automatically for American Checkers. I didn't learn
	// that until after I wrote all this code, so I'll leave it in case it
	// prevents a bug later.
	move->jumps = 0;
	move->from = get_cb_square(ampere_move_start(best));
	move->oldpiece = get_cb_piece(amp_board, ampere_move_start(best));
	if (ampere_move_is_jump(best)) {
		move->del[move->jumps] = get_cb_square(ampere_move_jump_position(best));
		move->delpiece[move->jumps] = get_cb_piece(amp_board, ampere_move_jump_position(best));
		move->jumps = 1;

	// we figure out the new board position, in case we need to double jump
	ampere_play_move(ampere_engine, best);
	amp_board = ampere_current_position(ampere_engine);

	// Ampere and CheckerBoard don't align in their definition of a move
	// In Ampere, a move is a single slide or jump. But in CheckerBoard,
	// double jumps are considered to be one move. This is a very sensible
	// decision. But Ampere is very fast partially because it can optimize
	// the move struct down to a single byte. So in order for it to work with
	// CheckerBoard, we need to go down the line and return any extra jumps
	while (*ampere_board_turn(amp_board) == current_turn) {
		move->path[move->jumps] = get_cb_square(ampere_move_end(best));

		// the move should be in the transposition table, so it's ok to set the depth to 1
		result = ampere_evaluate(ampere_engine, (bool*)playnow, 0, 1, 0);
		best = result.best_move;
		if (best == NULL) {
			return eval;

		if (ampere_move_is_jump(best)) {
			move->del[move->jumps] = get_cb_square(ampere_move_jump_position(best));
			move->delpiece[move->jumps] = get_cb_piece(amp_board, ampere_move_jump_position(best));
			move->jumps += 1;

		ampere_play_move(ampere_engine, best);
		amp_board = ampere_current_position(ampere_engine);

	move->to = get_cb_square(ampere_move_end(best));
	move->newpiece = get_cb_piece(amp_board, ampere_move_end(best));

	// this is the part that CheckerBoard actually relies upon to figure out what move was played
	set_cb_board(board, amp_board);

	return eval;